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Friday, August 15, 2008 ( 6:06 AM )

Okay okay,updating time.
He's having his Ns soon. Very soon.
He's preparing i guess? I suppose?
Alright,good lucks to him.

He gotten an A2 for his English Oral for Prelim.
*Give him a round of appluase.*
He've been going to library to study very often nowadays.
Hope he did absorb what he's suppose to absorb ! :D

Okay,his internet is still down.
Always complaining to me how bored he's at home w/o computer.
Life w/o computer is boring,he says.
It's a right timing for his internet to break down.
Cause he won't be able to use computer & thus he'll then study.
Is what i say right? (:

He's having his tuition at kumon now.
I don't think he've been released.
He's a slow pork.

I'm bored bored bored.
Boring boring boring.

Okay,all of the above are craps,so am i,is a crap too.
Thus,ignore this post if you want.
I'm coming here randomly.
Coming for the sake of coming.
Hurhurhurhurhur. :DDDD

Alright,gotta go!

Everyone,mug hard yo! 8)


Saturday, July 19, 2008 ( 10:25 AM )

Mr Pigpork is always not online & not blogging. His blog is decomposing.
Thus i'm here to update a lil' for him.
He've finally hand in his DNT foilo after much late night rushing.

Currently,his internet connection's down,thus he won't be able to go online nor can he update his blog. & i guess,most prolly,he won't even have the time to update anymore,cause he'll soon be busy with his N's already.

Wish him lucks in advance then.(:

I'm bored now.

He went to watch The Dark Knight just now with his family. He said it was a pretty nice show. Okay,not just pretty nice,but very nice infact. (: I hope he did enjoy himself.

He's sleeping like a log now,i bet. I hope he could accompany me now,cause i'm bored to death. :(
Without his entertainments,i felt so lonely now.

Alright,if i've the time,i'll update his blog on his behalf. & i'll inform him to reply his tags to his friends. (:

Takecare now,goodnight earthlingos. (:



Wednesday, June 18, 2008 ( 10:18 PM )

IQ test score


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 ( 7:24 AM )

Hi everyone today i a HAPPY day=))
Early in the morning baby accompany me to NUH=)) so good of her man=))
we meet at 7.30am hehe.
WE had our breakfast at NUH while WE are waiting for my turn to see the doctor.

As usual the doctor talk cock again=_= waste time going to NUH. after seeing the doctor its only 10am. its damnearly lor!! so i decided to go to science center=) me and baby play till siaoat there.haha. WE took alot of photo.

After science center we went to Mac to eat!! as baby stomach very pain=((
after going to Mac we went to library and slack for awhile and WE went home cos i was really very tired to move.haha. i play too much at the science center=))

when i reach home i went to my bed straight andsleep haha.

okay ishall post till here=)) I LOVE YOU BABY. good Night see you TML!!


Tuesday, June 3, 2008 ( 1:49 AM )
SOrry for not posting for sooo long. Sorry Okay?? =))

Hi everyone=)) sorry for not updating my blog for sooo long.

Let me tell your somthing. I'm going back to school everyday!!!! omg sad right.But worth it la if going back can passN level.haha.For this june holiday i'm staying in school longer than my usual school day.HARD WORKING RIGHT ME. My first time spending so much time in my studies=))

OK talk about ytd. Early in the morning 6.15am i wake up already^^ cos gotto meet jian xu,ken and jing hui at Mac.so we meet 7.30.we ate there =) i ate three meal haha. power hor.LOL.
After eating we make our way to school. when we reach the school we slack around in the school then go to english lesson.While we are slacking i notice that i left my D&T lay out pad at the Mac=_=... Its ok i guess no one will want a loy out pad so i went for my english lesson. after english lesson i went back to Mac to take my lay out pad.Than have my lunch and back to school for my D&T lesson.My &T lesson its TILL 5PM!!!!

I slack alot during my D&T. when it 5 i went back home and bath than go the library with baby tagging along.Went there and do my D&T. We stay at the library till 9pm and we went to eat ROTI PRATA=)) its NICE BABY LOVE IT ALOT=) After our prata it time to go home.=)) so we bus home and ......... your know la hor clean up and than chat on phone with baby than sleep le=))


Friday, May 23, 2008 ( 1:37 AM )

GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE. I'm here to blog=))

Today went to sch and take my report card... hais as what i aspected. NO PAIN NO GAIN.
RIGHT? yea.... hais. i have tostart studying already.( hope i can concentrate) Seriously i'm too playful i really play too much.

I did not touch my textbook till the day b4 exam. And i still didn't even have.Even my Brothers will know it time to study but i am still there playing...... aiya dont say all this le la.

ok baby is at wild wild wet now playing.haha. baby enjoy yourselves=))

ok bye bye readers.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 ( 7:23 AM )

HIHI everyone=)) I'm here to post again^^
Tell your a good news=)) i only get 1 day of dentation for beating melvin.hehehehe. happy.

So i did my dentation today after school with jian xu^^
It is really slack. now dentation can walk around and play lo.~~ last time de westwood cant really walk around and play around while you are having your dentation now is different.

After dentationi went straight home and bath than off i go to GP and fetch baby home=)) she went for guitar lesson. After her guitar lesson we went to Mac to eat=) baby's mother call her to buy sundae back because she wants to eat. So we buy the ice-cream when we are on our way to her house the ice-cream melt alot alrd so we run back to her house haha. really funny lor=_=

O.o ya fyi pepo tml westwood is have cip day.so i dont wish to go sch hehe=)) so i'm not going to school tml. jian they all also not going to go school. They say wan to go swimming tml lol. but i not sure if i'm going anot. but most likely will be going.

ok wish all those pepo will have a good time at school tml.hehe.good night=)



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I'm Linzhilin.
Westwoodian currently.
Preparing for Ns.




You And Me - Lifehouse.

xx x